When purchasing anything from our store, it is your own personal responsibility for deciding on whether a product is suitable for your individual dogs. We advise you seek a professionals opinion first like a Veterinary surgeon or behavioural expert to help you decide. All products must be checked by you for general wear & tear, disposing & replacing items as necessary. All dogs should be supervised while using any of our products at all times. Our collars, leads & harnesses are not made for constant extreme pulling. Please seek a behavioural expert. All treats & chews need to be given with water & alongside a proper diet. Please seek advise from your Veterinarian.
Project canine will not be liable or responsible to you or any other parties involved for any injuries, loses or damages caused from you using the products we sell. On payment of any product sold, you the customer immediately assumes all responsibility & liability. Your payment is consent that you have read, understood & agreed to this policy.
Shipping - Due to stock & workload it can take 1 - 10 working days for shipping. We use a delivery service with tracking for the majority of our products. Royal mail is used for some smaller items. We are not liable for any delivery delays.
Refunds & Returns- All products are either ordered in or hand made specifically for you as you have requested. You have 20 days from purchase to contact us regarding an issue with an item. If an item is damaged in transit, then you will need to take photos of the damage & send them to us. We will contact the delivery company for you to receive compensation directly from them. This can take up to 3 weeks. Any item that you feel is faulty will need photographic or video proof to be taken & sent to us. We will then review your claim & try to reconcile as quickly & fairly as possible. Postage will need to be paid by the customer for any items being returned due to customer error.